CAROA logo
The Canadian Amateur Radio Operators’ Association began publishing its Official Journal called “XTAL” (ham nomenclature for crystal, a frequency determining device used in both transmitters and receivers) in March of 1935.  CAROA wished to offer a publication that exclusively expressed the views of Canadian Radio Amateurs and went to some length to assure everyone that it fully supported the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) then present in Canada as the Canadian Division of ARRL, and was a member of ARRL and also the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB). “XTAL” was read both nationally and internationally.

“XTAL” appears to have been published from March, 1935 up to the Canadian declaration of war (WWII) or September 1939, and appears to have resumed publishing near the end of WWII in June of 1945 and continued up to December 1950. The final date is taken from a column by Bill Choat, VE3CO published in The Ontario Amateur, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1966 pp 17 & 18. (See Radio Society of Ontario section of website.)

When Canada entered WWII in September, 1939, all Canadian Amateur Radio Operators were ordered off the air officially by the Government of Canada.

It is interesting to note that Canadian Amateur Radio Operators (as were other Amateurs world wide) were most anxious to resume operations as soon as possible once the war ended in August of 1945. Amateur frequencies were restored gradually and you may read about that in some of the issues of “XTAL”.

Please feel free to share any knowledge that you might have about this organization.

73 de Gord, VE3CNA, August 17, 2010. Updated December 13, 2010.


  1. Clive R. Oakes, VE3YB, of Toronto, Ontario, member of Quarter Century Wireless Association, (QCWA) Fred Hammond Chapter 73 for "XTAL" magazines.
  2. Bruce H. Underwood, VE3ANU, of Kitchener, Ontario, member of QCWA Fred Hammond Chapter 73, who told me about CAROA.
  3. Ken Grant, VE3FIT, Toronto, Ontario, for many issues of "XTAL" magazines that he acquired at a recent hamfest.
  4. Dana Shtun, VE3DS, Toronto, Ontario, for providing a copy of the "Getting Back On!" bulletin to Ken VE3FIT.
  5. Canada Science and Technology Museum/Musée des sciences et de la technologie du Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, for a copy of XTAL Jr #2, April 1940

Canadian Amateur Radio Operators Association