Check-ins: VE3PA Bill VE3WTR Edgar VE3KCO Earle VE3FJI Peter VE3OBU Bert VE3VXY Ralph Host: VE3IEL Bob Call used: VE3WE
Radio Experimenters of Canada
According to a column by Bill Choat, VE3CO, published in The Ontario Amateur, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1966 pp 17 & 18, The Canadian Amateur was published by John H. Brown, VE7JB, North Surrey, British Columbia. I would appreciate
SARC 10m net, 2010-07-18
Check-ins: VE3FJI Peter VE3KCO Earle Net Controller Luc VA3LMS
SARC 10m net, 2010-07-11
Check-ins: VE3OBU Bert VE3QF Toni VE3FJI Peter VE3SOY Rod Net controller Luc VA3LMS
2010 Field Day Pictures
Pictures by Ray VE3ZXC and Ian VA3IGD
Christmas Party 2009
Pictures by Ray VE3ZXC and Ian VA3IGD
SARC 10m net, 2010-07-04
Check-ins: VE3FJI Peter VE3OBU Bert VE3QF Toni VE3KCO Earle Net Controller VA3LMS Luc
Wavelength – June 2010
June 2010 issue of Wavelength is now available in the newsletters section.
SARC 10m net, 2010-06-20
Check-ins: VE3KCO Earle KD4JHC Martin Net controller Luc VA3LMS
Ontario Trilliums
THE ONTARIO TRILLIUMS (VE3TOT) While the majority of amateur radio operators appear to be of the male variety, it is not confined exclusively to this sex. There is an increasing number of ladies joining the forces and making a name