In 2009, Lee Jennings ZL2AL (now a Silent Key) wrote from New Zealand:

I belonged to the SARC club back in the late 50s/early sixties. In fact I was the Field Day co-ordinator then and managed to obtain VE3WE for the club. Barney and Eva, Al and Babs Wilson, Bob Mortlock VE3BTV and others were the stalwarts of the day. I have a photo of the Keith Russell FD Trophy (BTW - I knew Keith, VE3AL and his son Tim, VE3WL) being presented to myself as Co-ordinator, Bill Cate (then VE3CLT) as Prez by Noel Eaton VE3CJ. I am 72 now and this photo needs to be on your web page and not lost to the club forever.

Noel Eaton VE3CJ presenting the Keith Russell Memorial Trophy to Bill Cate VE3CLT (later VE3HR, now SK) and Lee Jennings VE3OE (now ZL2AL)
Lee ZL2AL in 2009

1961 – Keith Russell Trophy