The Canadian Amateur Radio Operators’ Association began publishing its Official Journal called “XTAL” (ham nomenclature for crystal, a frequency determining device used in both transmitters and receivers) in March of 1935. CAROA wished to offer a publication that exclusively expressed
Radio Society of Ontario, Inc.
On May 22, 1957, the Letters Patent incorporating the Ontario Amateur Radio Federation, Inc. was issued to Noel B. Eaton, VE3CJ, D. Alan Page, VE3XZ and A.K. Meen, VE3RX ( then VE3DAR ). The organizational meeting of the Corporation was
SARC 10m net, 2010-06-13
Check-ins: VE3OBU Bert VE3KCO Earle VE3QF Tony VE3FJI Peter VE3IEL Bob VA3SIF Joy Net controller Luc VA3LMS
SARC 10m net, 2010-06-10
Check-ins: VE3PA Bill VE3OBU Bert VE3VXY Ralph Host: VE3IEL Bob Call used: VE3WE
Wireless Association of Ontario
The “Wireless Association of Ontario” was formed in 1912 and continued until around 1955 and meetings were held in the Electrical Building at the University of Toronto. A radio course was offered and a station was established on 40 meters
SARC 2m net, 2010-06-08
Check-ins: VE3PA Bill VA3SIF Joy VE3CNA Gord VE3ILG Rahman VA3IGD Ian VE3VXY Ralph VE3LEW Cameron/ Dave VE3ZXC Ray VA3PII Jim VE3OBU Bert VE3KCO Earle VA3RDR Ron Host:
SARC 2m net, 2010-06-03
Check-ins: VE3IEL Bob VE3PA Bill VE3OBU Bert VE3VXY Ralph Net controller Luc VA3LMS
SARC 2m net, 2010-06-01
Check-ins: VE3VXY Ralph VE3PA Bill VE3FJI Peter VE3CNA Gord VA3LMS Luc VA3SIM James VE3SOY Rod VA3UJC Jack VE3KCO Earle VE3OBU Bert VE3HAG Hugh VE3EJW Brent VE3LEW Cameron Host: VE3IEL Bob Call Used: VE3WE Repeater used: VE3RPT
SARC 10m net, 2010-05-30
Check-ins: VE3PA Bill VE3FJI Peter VE3IEL Bob VA3SIF Joy VE3KCO Earle VE3OBU Bert Net controller Luc VA3LMS
SARC 10m net, 2010-05-27
Check-ins: VE3PA Bill VE3IEL Bob VE3OBU Bert VE3VXY Ralph Net Controller Luc VA3LMS