Hello SARC;

Membership Notification

Recent world wide and local Covid-19 events have now reached ground level. The city of Toronto has announced the closure, until further notice, of various recreational facilities including the Don Montgomery Centre where we hold our club meetings. As a result of these measures taken by the city we will not be able to hold our Kit Build scheduled for Monday evening.

Our next meeting on Monday April 13th may also have to be postponed or cancelled depending on the availability of the community centre. The club will keep you up to date on any changes in our meeting and event schedules.

These are time of great concern and I want everyone to take care of themselves, their families and loved ones during this viral outbreak so we can all get through this situation unscathed.

Please keep your rigs on the air since this is one of the safest ways for us to keep in touch with our fellow amateur radio enthusiasts worldwide. Our usual nets will continue Thursday evenings at 19:30 and Sunday mornings at 10:30 EST on 10 meters at 28.730 on the dial.

Keep well
73 de Duncan VE3GNI President

COVID-19 update