Check-Ins: VE3PA Bill VE3OBU Bert VA3MVK Mike VE3JAS Jason Host: VE3IEL Bob Call used: VE3WE
SARC 2m net, 2010-09-07
Tuesday Evening 2 metre SARC Net: Tuesday Sept. 7th 7:30 FM phone Net Via VE3RPT Repeater VE3VXY Ralph VE3AAP Ted (mobile) VE3CNA Gord VE3PA Bill VE3LIC Jim
SARC 10m net, 2010-09-05
Sunday Morning Ten Metre SARC Net: Sunday Sept. 5th: 10:30 SSB Net VE3PA Bill VE3VXY Ralph VE3FJI Peter VE3KCO Earle VE3OBU Bert Host: VE3IEL Bob Call used: VE3WE
SARC 2m net, 2010-08-17
Check-ins: VE3VXY Ralph VE3FJI Peter VE3GDB Cameron VA3ZAI Anthony VE3OBU Bert VA3KRS Ken VA3IGD Ian VE3GLU Paul VE3BBF Barry Host: VE3IEL Bob Call used: VE3WE
Skywire began its life ca. 1948 and it was “Published monthly as: The Official Organ of The Montreal Amateur Radio Club of Montreal, Canada”, edited by Mr. Fenwick Job, VE2TH, with a business address of 284 Guilbault Avenue, Longueuil, Quebec. The earliest
SARC 2m net, 2010-08-10
Check-ins: VA3IGD Ian VE3LIC Jim VE3WMY Bill Jr VE3BTR Tom VA3ZAI Anthony VE3OBU Bert VA3SIF Joy VE3ILG Rahman VA3PII
SARC 10m net, 2010-08-01
VE3OBU Bert VE3IEL Bob VE3KCO Earle VE3FJI Peter VE3VXY Ralph VE3QF Toni
SARC 10m net, 2010-07-29
Check-ins: VE3PA Bill VE3VXY Ralph VE3OBU Bert VE3FJI Peter VE3WTR Edgar Host VE3IEL Bob Call used: VE3WE
Radio history site
Gord VE3CNA has been working on a website (Ontario Amateur Radio History) with historical information about amateur radio organizations in Ontario. If you have anything to add, please let him know.
Pictures from July 23
Thanks to Allyn Pollock VE3PRG who sent in these pictures from our coffee social night on July 23.