- Amateur Radio stations anywhere in the Greater Toronto Area are invited to check into the evening nets of the Toronto ARES Group.
The nets begin with a call out to roll call stations but the Net Control Station (VE3NCS) will also issue a call for any station anywhere to check in.

- All weeknight nets start at 8.00 PM.

- The Net on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights is a SIMPLEX net on 147.405 MHz. You must transmit a PL tone of 103.5 hz.

- The Monday night net is held on the VE3TNC repeater (147.270+) in downtown Toronto. No tone required.

- The Wednesday night net is held on the VA3GTU repeater 4B (444.850+) in downtown Toronto. 103.5 tone required.

- The Friday night net is held on the VA3GTU repeater 4C (443.750+) in Scarborough. 103.5 tone required.

- On Saturday nights additional nets are held
- - at 8.30 PM on repeater VE3RPT (147.060+) and
- - at 9.00 PM on 6 Meter repeater VA3ECT (53.390-).

- On Sunday evening three nets are held.
- - At 8 PM a net is held on the VE3BEG repeater (224.860-).
- - At 8.30 PM a simplex net is held on 446.025 MHz.
- - At 9.00 PM a 6 Meter simplex net is held on 52.525 MHz.
None of these 3 nets require a tone.

- - At 5.30 PM on Sundays, the GTA Regional Net is held on the CN Tower repeater VE3TWR 145.410-(103.5) and 444.400+.

By participating in any of these nets you are putting your radio on the air and ensuring that it is working properly.

You are also informing all the other Amateur Radio Operators in Toronto that you are on the map. That you exist.

Being an Amateur Radio Operator means you talk on a radio with other Amateur Radio Operators.
Checking into the ARES Nets is your best easy way to do that on VHF and UHF.

Print out this message for reference. Relay over to your club's website or newsletter.

73 - Toronto ARES Group

Test Your Radio Out