2022-10-05 @ 20:00 – 22:00

Hello SARC and Friends

Here is an update for the Hamilton Warplane Museum visit on Saturday.

Apparently due to staff shortages the restaurant in the Museum will be
closed on the Saturday of our visit. They also request that we arrive as
a together as a group.

This changes our plans and maybe for the better.

I suggest we change our carpool meeting time to accommodate a new plan.

There is a recommended greasy spoon called the Broadway Diner located in
the South Hamilton Mall 1550 Upper James St, Hamilton, ON L9B 2L6. It is
10 minutes from the museum and would be a great

place to meet for breakfast before we visit the museum. We can still
carpool from the Cineplex / Canadian Tire parking lot. We could meet at
8:00 AM for departure at 8:15. It takes approximately 90 minutes to get
to the restaurant.

For those not wishing to carpool or coming from out of town we will meet
everyone at the Broadway Diner at 9:45 AM where we can enjoy breakfast
together. After breakfast we can drive to the museum together as a group
and enjoy the rest of the day.

The admission for our group is 12.00 for seniors and 13.00 for adults.

Let's discuss this further during our zoom meeting

SARC Zoom meeting 2022-10-05