2022-09-21 @ 20:00 – 22:00

Hello SARC and Friends

We are getting closer to getting our room back at the Montgomery Centre and once confirmation is received form the city we will know when we can start.

The bus transportation for the Hamilton trip is continuing to be arranged and we should have some finalization shortly. After tomorrow's meeting a simple email form will be sent out requesting who will be attending and how many in your party.

I would like replies by Sept 28 so we can give a final count to the museum.

We will have the presentation we missed last week as requested to get some interesting ideas on alternative amateur radio organizations.

Here are the links again for those who wish a preview.

Here is the first part https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3pbQr_XilY
and here is the 2nd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KquJbO1k5M

SARC Zoom meeting 2022-09-21