2022-09-14 @ 20:00 – 22:00

We are closer to getting our meeting room at the Montgomery Centre so I look forward to the day we can meet in person.
For tomorrow we will discuss our non-profit corporation requirements with regard to the new Ontario legislation. Ray can fill in the details.
We may require legal participation, so if you are or can suggest legal council it would be greatly appreciated.

We will also show a video on some ideas for club growth and the creation of hubs. There are some interesting ideas in the video even though some may not be practical in every situation.

Here are the links if you want to preview the videos.

Here is the first part https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3pbQr_XilY
and here is the 2nd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KquJbO1k5M

As well the Hamilton Warplane Museum trip is coming together so we can discuss more details tomorrow.
The trip will occur Saturday Oct 8th. We will gather in the Lebovic Cineplex / Canadian Tire (Warden and Eglinton area) parking lot at 9:00 AM and depart at 9:30.

The negotiations with the bus transport is nearing finalization which will determine whether we go by bus or car pool.

We will leave the museum at 3:00 PM for the trip back to the city and hopefully avoid some of the evening rush.
Please let me know if you will be joining us by email to [email protected] and also indicate how many will be with you. The head count influences the bus and museum entrance costs.

SARC meeting 2022-09-14