2022-08-31 @ 20:00 – 22:00

Hello SARC and company

Here are some interesting sites to visit in your infinite spare time.

Here is the link Adrian VA3NNA found to the remastered images of the early Apollo missions. Please enjoy these incredible restorations.

Also here is the link to the previous presentation on " Understanding HF Propagation"

Understanding HF Propagation - YouTube

Here is the master link to Mr. Carlson's Lab videos

Mr Carlson's Lab - YouTube

During this upcoming meeting there will be a quick presentation on SWR. This presentation offers insight on the ways to measure, interpret and understand how various components play a role in SWR fundamentals.

There are other topics to discuss such as meeting times for our room at the Montgomery Centre and the upcoming Hamilton museum adventure.

Please join us on Wednesday.

Here are the coordinates.

73 Duncan...

SARC meeting 2022-08-31