2022-06-28 @ 20:00 – 22:00

Hello SARC and TARC

That was a lot of fun. I am talking about Field Day. We generated a lot of interest in Amateur Radio and encouraged some to take the course and get their license.

Great radio, friends and an excellent site for this long awaited real Field Day. Thank you to all who came out, helped out and got on the air. This would not have been possible without your contributions.

It would be appropriate to have a Zoom meeting to share photos and experiences we had over the weekend.

I can't thank enough the wonderful help we had from the Toronto Amateur Radio Club and for their invaluable contributions.

Let's get together for a fun roundup of the highlights of putting together a very successful Field Day

There so many to thank for this success.

The award from Doly Begum will be available for download during the meeting.

See you at the meeting.

Kind regards

Duncan VE3GNI

SARC meeting 2022-06-29