Ten Metre Net Check-ins VE3FJI Peter VE3PA Bill VE3VXY Ralph VA3LMS Luc VE3KCO Earle VE3WTR Edgar Host: VE3IEL Bob
SARC 2m net, 2010-02-02
VE3PA Bill VE3FJI Peter VE3VXY Ralph VE3WTR Edgar VA3SIF Joy VA3LMS Luc VE3CNA Gord VE3SOY Rod VE3KCO Earle VE3ILG Rahman Host: VE3IEL Bob
SARC 2m net, 2010-01-12
After a discussion with Hugh VE3HAG, on air, it was decided that I should host the SARC 2 metre phone net held on VE3RPT. There were 15 check-ins including myself. CHECK-INS: VE3HAG Hugh, VE3FJI Peter, VE3PA Bill, VE3VXY Ralph, VE3GLU